21 Production KPI Examples Updated for 2020 to Improve Manufacturing Performance

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21 Production KPI Examples for the Manufacturing Industry

  1. Capacity Utilization – This measures how much of your available capacity you are actually using on your production line. The higher the better. Buildings and equipment are expensive assets and you want to maximize their use. It also helps to manage what you sell by production center so you do not over or undersell a particular manufacturing line, thereby balancing the workload.
  2. On Standard Operating Efficiency – If you have a piece rate or incentive system in place, you want to measure how employees are performing against the labor standards you used to cost the product. If these numbers are low, it is beneficial to examine methods and do post-production analysis. It is very common for companies to underestimate labor costs, and this KPI can help you identify this.
  3. Overall Operating Efficiency (OOE)– This is one of my favorites because it includes on standard time as well as off standard time. You are trying to maximize this percentage so that employees are adding value the majority of the time they are clocked in and present. 
  4. Overall Equipment Effectiveness OEE– This metric measures the overall effectiveness of a piece of production equipment or the entire line. Availability x Performance x Quality. This is a great KPI to maximize to ensure you are running the plant effectively.
  5. Machine Downtime – This KPI and the two below are components of OEE above, but worth measuring on their own. This includes scheduled downtime for maintenance, setups and unscheduled downtime and can include machine changeover.
  6. Unscheduled Down Time – This one can be a killer and one to minimize because it affects other processes in the production chain. Scheduled and predictive maintenance can help minimize unscheduled downtime. There are wireless sensors you can use which can help support predictive maintenance to reduce unscheduled downtime.
  7. Machine Set Up Time - A lot of production time can be lost to set up and changeovers. Implementing SMED (single minute exchange of dies or similar techniques) can really help keep this lost time to a minimum. Look for ways to incorporate parts of the set up so that they are internal to the process to avoid taking machines offline for any longer than you need to. Quick changeover setups also reduce this time.
  8. Inventory Turns – In today’s Lean environment and pull approach, keeping inventories to a minimum can really help free up cash and give you the ability to respond to changing customer needs much more efficiently and with better delivery times. It also keeps your on-hand inventory fresh and relevant to avoid obsolescence and mask quality problems. 
  9. Inventory Accuracy – There is nothing worse than putting a work order into production only to find your raw goods inventory was inaccurate. This either delays the start of production or causes delays in the line if the order happened to make it into process. I had a rule to never let an order begin production unless everything was available in-house for the order. This helps you manage and maintain your supply chain to keep the right amount of inventory on hand to keep things running.
  10. Quality – This is a no-brainer and table stakes today, but still necessary to measure. There are many ways to measure quality, and I am listing a few below for consideration. Percent defective is one of many ways you can measure quality. Establishing clear and consistent standards goes a long way to reaching your quality goals.  The only way to continuously improve is to learn from your mistakes, so don't just measure the quality - determine the root cause and fix it.
  11. First Pass Yield – The percentage of products manufactured correctly and to spec the first time through the process. Getting this number up reduces the next two listed.
  12. Rework – There is no bigger waste of time and raw materials than rework. Implementing quality at the source and effectively training people can go a long way to minimizing this waste.
  13. Scrap – Raw material costs are expensive so minimizing scrap is important. The more robust your processes and training programs are, the less scrap you are likely to produce. When you do produce scrap, do your best to recycle it if possible.
  14. Failed Audits – There is nothing worse than having a shipment ready to go out the door that fails a final quality control audit. Better here than on the customer's doorstep, but this still leads to rework, scrap and delays. The goal for this KPI should be 0 failed audits, and if it’s not, a root cause analysis is in order.
  15. On-Time Delivery – This is a KPI that really keeps customers happy but is also motivating to your production employees. Set the goal for 100% on-time weekly and consider rewarding your employees if they achieve it. Many of the other leading indicators mentioned help drive this one.  What percentage of total products are delivered on time?  Read this blog article to learn about KPIs, Culture, and Habits to Improve On-Time Delivery.
  16. Customer Returns – There is nothing worse than getting a defective product back from customers. Not only is it embarrassing, it ruins customer confidence. Even though this is a result indicator, it can help you determine problems in the production chain when you evaluate returned products. A good goal is to strive for zero returns.
  17. Training Hours – This is a great leading indicator that can drive a lot of the other KPIs on this list. Training doesn’t solve every problem, but there is no substitute for a good training and onboarding program. Too many companies still use the sink or swim method which creates a lot of problems. Tweet: Training doesn’t solve every problem, but there is no substitute for a good training and onboarding program. Too many companies still use the sink or swim method which creates a lot of problems. @RhythmSystems http://bit.ly/2INL73j
  18. Employee Turnover – Happy employees make happy customers. If your turnover is high, it is time to do some root cause analysis to determine why. Quality and efficiency problems often stem from high turnover due to training new inexperienced employees. 
  19. Reportable Health & Safety Incidents – Here's another KPI to strive for zero on. Many companies have embedded this in their culture. I grew up in a big railroad town, and I remember driving past the billboard of a locomotive where they would list how many days achieved with zero accidents. Very motivating for employees and something they were proud of. Accidents drive up workers' compensation rates and are hard on employee morale.
  20. Revenue per Employee – This is a basic indicator but can be a quick helpful way to see how the operation is doing overall; improving, standing still or becoming less efficient. It is also a good metric to use to compare your company against others in a similar industry.  
  21. Profit per Employee – I like this KPI even more than the one above. Even though it’s lagging, it takes into consideration how well you are doing on many of the leading indicators above. Revenue per employee may look good, but you may see you have opportunities to improve profitability.

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Seandainya saya Bos BUMN

Bukan siapa-siapa, hanya punya imajinasi besar untuk negeri ini.

Hari ini, ini siapa yang punya duit banyak? Selain konglomerasi swasta?, siapa yang mendominasi dan menggerakkan ekonomi maju atau mundurnya di negara ini?,


Semua proyek dan mega proyek di negara kita ini dikelola dan dilaksanakan serta dipertanggungjawabkan  oleh BUMN dan BUMN. Kenapa BUMN dan BUMN?, ya karena anak-anaknya BUMN juga, bahkan koperasi dan pensiunan BUMN ikut dilibatkan, di bawah perlindungan dan bendera BUMN.

Apakah ini sehat?, pemerintah BUMN regulator, operator serta eksekutif?,
Biarkan hasil yang bisa menjawab.

Hari ini saja BUMN sering katakan "merugi, berhutang",  bahkan ada yang dibekukan karena sudah tidak efisien. Bagaimana di saat bangsa ini sedang membangun, Krakatau Steel memecat dan merumahkan banyak sekali karyawannya. Kan aneh?

Kenapa?, apa salah satu dari banyak alasan adalah karena tidak efisien lagi. Lebih banyak losses, kerugian lebih banyak, utang dimana mana, gilaknya menjadi Hutang Negara. Kenapa banyak hutang? Ya karena sudah tidak efisien dan dari tahun ke tahun di pertahankan terus. Mau minjem istilah bung Rocky #memeliharadungu.

Pokoknya ribet, tidak transparan, tidak ter visualisasi, tidak kekinian, tidak smart, tidak terintegrasi, tidak Real Time, tidak modular, menganut paham kuno Sentralisasi. 

Bagaimana solusinya? 

Bentar dulu Bro, kenal kan dulu agan..
Seorang teknokrat, kerjaan saya kira-kira :
  1. Melakukan digitalisasi terhadap pabrik dan Manufacturing di Indonesia. Klien saya,  ya biasanya multinasional company dan Swasta perusahaan Manufacturing Tbk. 
  2. Saya sering melakukan transformasi Digital dari manual menjadi otomatis. 
  3. Saya membangun pondasi dari implementasi industrial 4.0 khusus untuk Manufacturing Processing 
  4. Saya punya pasukan avengers yang tergabung dalam komunitas inovator 4.0 level internasional yang bisa mewujudkan industrial 4.0, bahkan sampai supremasi kuantum. 

Jadi bagaimana solusinya ? 

Sekali lagi, saya hanya tertarik untuk menyoroti BUMN yang lini bisnisnya adalah Manufacturing.
Ada tiga hal yang mesti dilakukan :

1. Transformasi People dan organisasi. 

Nomor satu yang harus dilakukan, setuju sekali dengan gaya ya bang Erick Thohir, gebrakan pertama adalah BUMN butuh LEADERSHIP. Kita butuh satu tokoh leader yang bisa memimpin kita mengarungi era evolusi supply chain 4.0.

Dan Pak Ahok cocok untuk itu. Setuju sekali.
Selanjutnya adalah organisasi. Entah mengapa pikiran saya dan pikiran bank Erick Thohir sama. Kita butuh BUMN yang Lean,   yang Agile , serta lebih Produktif.
Semua sama-sama tau BUMN itu sudah terlalu gemuk, banyak pejabat  di dalam sana hanya titipan partai, tidak ada kerjaan signifikan dengan gaji selangit. Semua orang berlomba-lomba pejabat di BUMN dengan cara apapun.  Bang Erick Thohir sudah tahu itu, dan tepat sekali. Memangkas jebatan-jabatan yang tidak efektif dan efisien.

Selanjutnya yang mesti dilakukan oleh bang Erick Thohir adalah bagaimana Capacity Utility, serta data-data matriks dari lantai produksi bisa tercapture secara otomatis tanpa manual entry dan manual reporting.  Bang Eric Tahu persis pergerakan efektivitas manufacturing BUMN detik per detik. Semua KPI dievaluasi apakah relevan atau tidak, kalau belum ada KPI , maka segera di rumuskan KPI nya. Pada Manufacturing semua KPI dari berbagai lini sudah menjadi standar, tinggal sesuaikan dengan konsep Lean Manufacturing yang kekinian.

Nomor 2 yang harus dilakukan oleh bang Erick Thohir adalah collaboration, bagaimana sektor swasta diajak secara profesional. Saya garis bawahi secara profesional untuk bekerja dan menghasilkan profit sebesar besarnya untuk rakyat, sehingga tidak ada cerita BPJS bangkrut.

Nomor 3 BUMN harus menjadi sarana pengembangan education bagi seluruh karyawan untuk berkembang menjadi individu yang sesungguhnya adalah pelayan negara. Mengembalikan Hakiki BUMN sebagai sarana untuk kepentingan bangsa dan negara. Dan masih banyak lagi step2 berikutnya.

2. Transformasi Teknologi 

Transformasi teknologi adalah transformasi supply chain. Teknologi yang digunakan di hari ini adalah teknologi yang sejalan dengan industrial 4.0.

Banyak yang salah kaprah,  mohon maaf yang salah pengertian tentang industrial 4.0. Menyamakan konsep engineering atau topologi secara keseluruhan. Padahal pada prakteknya, manufacturing itu sangatlah kompleks, sangat dan jauh lebih kompleks dari pertanian, perkebunan, peternakan marketplace dan lain sebagainya.

Di manufacturing, ada ratusan bahkan ribuan sensor, ada ribuan selenoid, ada ratusan bahkan puluhan brand controller, ada macam-macam komunikasi. Ada berbagai macam mesin, yang ada data logger, PLC, bahkan manual pun masih ada, ada mesin yang di locked, pokoknya macam-macam tingkat kompleksitasnya.

Belum lagi variabel di shopfloor. Ada yang sifatnya multi SKU, multi batch, continuous Line atau individual mesin. Macam-macam. Oleh karena itu perlu sikap yang bijak dalam melakukan transformasi teknologi di Manufacturing.

Anda butuh berbagai macam disiplin ilmu dan keahlian, serta sistem integrator.
Yang lainnya, bisa saya sampaikan di lain kesempatan.

3. Transformasi Bisnis 

Ketika Manufacturing sudah berhadapan dengan data-data Real Time, visualisasi, transparansi, desentralisasi, integrated, serta modular. Selanjutnya business akan mengalami transformasi besar.

BUMN akan lebih lincah, agresif dan cenderung sangat fleksibel menjadi customer oriented, mampu bersaing, dan pada akhirnya akan lebih profit dari sebelumnya.

Keputusan-keputusan korporasi ditingkat shopfloot maupun top management didasarkan atas algoritma machine learning pada artifisial intelijen  memberikan akurasi lebih.

Dimensi-dimensi kualitas dari produk yang dihasilkan oleh Manufacturing BUMN akan mampu menjadi pemenang Dalam persaingan global.

Saya menjadi merinding bagaimana ketika Capacity Utilization, OEE, Machine Downtime, Rework, Inventory turn, Ontime delivery, Tracebility, Failure cost, Employe Revenue, Sales and forecasting bahkan Aktuator dijalankan oleh mesin learning.

Sudah tidak ada lagi peluang untuk korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme. Semua akan berlangsung dengan sangat efektif dan efisien.

Kan keren...

Sekian dulu kira-kira imajinasi serta konsep , bagaimana seandainya saya menjadi Bos BUMN dari sisi tekokrat. Kita lanjutkan di lain kesempatan.

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Advance OEE (Overall equipment effectiveness) part #1

Apa itu Advance OEE ? Advance OEE adalah bukan OEE biasa, melainkan adalah bentuk OEE yang sudah diadaptasi dengan perkembangan teknologi d...